Reading is an important part of our daily schedule. Our reading block is built around the Daily 5.
1. independent reading (read to self) 2. Buddy reading (read to someone) 3. Listen to reading 4. Writing 5. Word Study
Independent Reading; Each day we will work on reading stamina, this means sitting still and reading for an extended period of time. This year our target independent expectation is 20 minutes at a time. During this time your student will be reading a book that they can easily read and understand, or just right book.
A just right book is a book that when read requires little help, but is also not to easy. we use the 5 finger rule... At home you can help ensure that your child is reading a just right book using the same idea.
Read to someone: When we teach buddy reading there are only a few rules: * Share one book * sit knee to knee elbow to elbow * agree on what each partner will read - a couple of paragraphs or a page at a time
Check for understanding can help your child with this at home 1. When reading with your child, stop and model your own thinking. It feels a bit strange to do, but it will help your child understand. For example you can say, “ So, this story was about 'Joe' and he..." tell them who the story was about and what happened... keep it simple and short.
Doing this a couple of times while reading the together will help them to understand more of what is happening while they are reading.
2. When reading to your child, stop and have them practice checking for understanding by saying, “I heard you say…”
3. questions you can always ask your child: • Who did you just read about? • What just happened? • What were you thinking while you were reading? • Do you understand what was read? • What do you do if you don’t remember?
Listen to reading: Listening to reading helps children to hear what good reading should sound like.
See the resources on the side for a few places to find books/stories online.